stuff about me

I started my career in finishing at the tender age of 13, meticulously restoring pianos for four years under the watchful and patient eye of an eccentric craftsman. This was followed by a few years of sowing the proverbial wild oats (okay, not wild but college, university, family). My more recent incarnations in the finishing world were as finisher at a local piano shop for four years followed by 11 years as business partner in a successful local furniture refinishing and restoration shop. My strengths include fastidious attention to detail, colour matching, time management, and an artistic eye for fresh new ideas and looks. My years of experience are your gain.


The best is yet to come...for YOU.


...and other stuff I love


Over the last 12 years I've been involved with Haiti in various manner of affiliation. From ardent volunteer to fierce tourist, I've crisscrossed the country, engaging with communities and forging dear and lasting friendships. Below is a smattering of websites and information from that most amazing and highly misunderstood country. Learn about how Canadians can give a "hand up" to Haitians. Not exactly what you conjure up when you hear about Haiti! Musings of our 5 week Haiti trip in early 2011. Learn how you can help lift someone from poverty with micro-credit.


As a scrawny 13 year old.......

......and as slightly more mature.